Negro Sudáfrica
South Africa
The also known as Negro Impala is a dark gray granite full of small quartz that break up the monotony of its background.

Petrographic clasification
Aparent density
Open porosity
Water absorption at athmosperic pressure
Compression resistance
Abrasion resistance
Bending resistance
Frost resistance
Thermal shock resistance
Slip resistance


Surface treated from the sawn material. It consists of passing the slabs through a brushing process using diamond bristles with which a rough and smooth surface is achieved.

Treated surface equal to flamed and subsequently going through a brushing process, giving a rough and smooth result.

Completely smooth and shiny finish achieved by abrading the surface of the material and applying waxes. This is the most requested finish for countertops, because of its ease of cleaning and disinfection. By closing the pores, greater resistance to external agents is obtained.
As its name suggests, it comes from the African continent and, like all blacks, is widely used in interior decoration or funerary art.