Over 40 years at the foot of the quarry

Specialists in extraction and marketing of granite

Granite quarries in Porriño since 1970

Granitos Cabaleiro SA is a company with an international presence, which dedicates its activity to the cutting and processing of natural stone. Our specialty is the chain production of granite slabs in two- and three-centimeters thickness. We manufacture the raw material directly at the foot of the quarries, in our factory in O Porriño, where we have the most advanced technology to provide the surface of our materials with the sector’s most demanded finishes.

We are a non-stop company, which means that we are at the client’s disposal 365 days a year, thus fulfilling our value proposition: client’s satisfaction.

A stone for every need

Our fundamental pillars


The raw material is personally chosen by our professionals



Own exploitation allows us to supply in large quantities



We recycle close to 100% of our waste



We meet the expectations set



We have a wide range of granites, from those extracted from our own quarries to national or imported materials. We always adapt to the needs of our client, obtaining any type of granite that is within our reach.






Thick slabs



Experience, technology, and quality

Our technical and professional structure allows us to guarantee at any time that our customers obtain the best possible product, only the highest quality granite.

Multi-blade and Multi-wire cutting machines

Balance between modernity and tradition. In our production halls we have four fully operational multi-blade machines that cut the blocks in the traditional way. They give us the peace of mind of knowing that we have robust and durable machinery with a large production capacity. The counterpoint is put by the three multi-wire machines, which have the most advanced technology that provide us with precision and speed to be able to optimize resources to the maximum.


Francisco Cabaleiro


Mónica Cabaleiro


Eva Martinez

Dirección Financiera

Antía Rodríguez


María Rodríguez

Administración/Prevención de Riesgos

Olalla Acuña

Responsable de Exportación/Facturación

José Luis Vidal

Jefe de Producción

Beatriz Vil

Responsable Técnico

Fanny Gómez


Fátima Ferreira

Administración/Atención Clientes

Altonio Aldecoa

Dirección Comercial Nacional

Isidro Carmona

A. Comercial País Vasco

Victor Fernandez

A. Comercial Cataluña/Aragón/Baleares

Javier Escribá

A. Comercial Andalucía

Mariluz Romero

A. Comercial Galicia

Diana Gago

A. Comercial Madrid

Jérémy Blessin

Dirección Comercial Export

Roberto Alberti

A. Comercial

Hassan Ahmed

A. Comercial

Latest news

Suppliers of the best quality granite, from our quarries in Galicia and Portugal, to the rest of the world. Our impeccable, totally personalized customer service is our cover letter. Do you want to know more? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact us

+34 986 344 242
+34 986 334 785
Carretera de Salceda km 1.
36400 Atios, O Porrriño (Pontevedra) – España

Do you need Block or Rough granite? Find what you are looking for in www.cabaleironogueira.com or grupo@cabaleironogueira.com